William A Gardner

Occasional Blog
Mountain High

We walked up the trail from Lake Louise to Lake Agnes. It wasn't far but the climbing was steady and we stopped to take our coats off despite the cool fall air. Beside the trail tiny chattering chipmunks darted from place to place preparing for winter. Around us the air was redolent with the complex smells of a forest, like a familiar symphony where pine and spruce carry the melody and a hundred other scented notes form the rhythm background.
There is something about mountain air that wipes away the accumulated plaque of city odours, leaving your nostrils clean and sensitive to the slightest susurrant smell. Later, our simple packed lunch tasted very good when we ate it, slowly savouring each bite. Around us the whiskey jacks angled for scraps while the occasional crow, higher up in the trees, cast a black eye on opportunity. We sat there by Lake Agnes across from the teahouse for a long time watching the lake sparkle in the light and breathing deeply. It made you want to dance.